Today is my Mom's 91st birthday and the Shootout.
The Shootout is a very fast boat race held on the Lake, the boats top 200 miles per hour. They come from all over the states and Canada, not sure how many will race but 2 days worth and over 100,000 folks will be here for this event. This is the 25th year so it's quite the deal. On Wednesday night they closed off the strip in Lake Ozark and the boats and drivers etc were on display, here are some pics, it's just amazing what these boats look like and the horsepower, gad zuks!!!! The 5 outboards are quite amazing!!!! The trucks and the boats are really something to see!!!
For Mom's birthday we are heading out to lunch and then having some people over for dinner. Tomorrow we'll go on a road trip to see some folks and their farm and business way out in the boonies!!!!
I washed the fabric and you are suppose to use soda ash to soak your fabric, I had some powdered mordant I'd been using for the natural dyeing. So I soaked the fabric in the mordant mixed with water, then took it out, no rinsing and placed it on the rack in the pan, wadded it up, etc. covered the fabric with ice, the tank top I used crushed ice, the scarves I used cubes. Poured the liquid dye over the ice and let it set overnight. You are suppose to use proactive dyes and powdered dye, but I was using what I had here!!! Once the ice melts it is dyed ,rinse the scarf till it comes clean and press. This requires no special talent, really fun and quite cute!!!!
Life in Missouri has been great, we are settled in and enjoying!!!!
Happy Fall to all!!!!