My father, John Postman, passed away July 8, 2013 from melanoma cancer at the age of 92, in Osage Beach, Missouri. He and my Mother had a fabulous life and had recently celebrated 65 years of marriage. We were very blessed that he did not suffer alot of pain, as melanoma is one cancer that has little to no pain. We had a nice group of new and old friend join us for his party and we had a wonderful time.
I haven't had much time to write due to our care giving with Dad. He really only had about 3 months that were a challenge for all of us, mostly him. So on the big picture all went quite well considering!!!!
Brandon and Becky chatting up a storm, a big thanks to Becky for getting this party together and arranging all the food etc. A great big Success!!!!
I am still sewing and dyeing garment and scarves. Mom is recovering from everything and now we are planning a trip to Arkansas in a few weeks to have a small service for Dad there and see good friends!!!
More later!!!!!!