We have had a very busy couple of months what with all the work, volunteering, clubs, yoga, etc. not sure how we got that involved but we did and we are lovin' the Lake!!!
This year our granddaughter Devin turned 2 and she had a wonderful birthday party with lots of folks and presents!!!! Here she is having a ball!!!

I just can't leave the old ties alone, this year I have really had fun making the necklaces and they have really been a hit!!!
It's really fun to play with the knots and macrame, wow, it's back!!! And stacking the buttons has been an added touch. Now to incorporate some embroiders and more beads, of course the sky is the limit!!!!
This one is simply knots and several strands which gives it a collar/necklace feel, really like this one!!!
And last fall we took a road trip to Wisconsin to see Dave's family, here's the crew!!! Fun to see the family and the kids are sooo big!!!!
We are busy preparing Christmas, Marilyn is coming from Arkansas and the kids will be with us, so all is grand!!!! we are going to miss Grandpa/Dad this year for sure!!! but we all know he's in a much better place!!!!
Just read the Fashion section of the Jeff City paper, so we all know it's the cutting edge of the fashion industry!!!ha ha ha!!!! BUT...the word is Orchid is the color for spring and maybe even into fall!!!!, all the designers are using orchid in some way, shape or form!!! So for us purple family fans we are ready for spring knowing this valuable info!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to each and everyone out there!!!!