Here is the way I do the mittens, I have used an old wool coat, washed and dried, old wool sweaters again washed and dried and new fleece for lining. My friend Corie gave me some of her art yarn and as you know I am no knitter so art yarn is what???? First I made bowls with it , Mom calls that fiber mache and they are great!!! Then I started felting the yarn onto the wool. I have purchased some roving, another new word, and will try that next. I did break a needle but there are 12 of the little devils so will wait for one more to break before doing that replacement job!!!!

Here is the Upcycled Christmas Tree we raffled off at the Fiber Fest, all the ornaments were handcrafted by our members, many were made from old wool sweaters and embroidered and embellished.
Time to get back to stabbin rags, life is good here in MO. we still miss our up north friends and family. We have the Mulherns coming for Thanksgiving and Marilyn for Christmas so that makes us happy. Mom is doing well for 93 she is a trooper and ready to run at the drop of a hat!!! All three dogs are doing well. Devin turns 3 next week and is just a doll, so much fun to visit with now. Ben and Melissa are working away busy as usual and Brandon is winterizing hundreds of boats, Dave is gearing up for the deer season, busy time for all!!!
Happy Fall to All!!!!!!!