This spring I sent some of my upcycled projects to a magazine and a few are going to be published in august or around that time frame, so that has been super exciting. So when it hits the stands I will let the whole world know all about it!!!!! The items they took were the tie purses and necklaces and the jean beads, all have been in this blog at one time or another.

Here is the crossover bag and me with all the ties, my friend Patty took the pics, she is very good!!! And has great photo ideas.
Mom and I are still hanging out and having fun, we belong to several groups that keep us busy, yoga, and other clubs, we aren't letting grass grow under our feet. We have met some wonderful folks here!!
We of course love having family close, our grandaughter Devin is such a cutie pie and of course the best child ever!!! Growing like a weed and becoming such a busy little girl and a character to boot!!! Here she is with one of my rescue dogs Roxy. Miss Roxy is a blue heeler and very old but we love her so much and so does Devin.

Our garden has been a ton of fun this year we got into recycling the pallets into raised bed gardens and upright gardens. The garden is growing well and we sure love all the good stuff.
Wish I could figure out the way to put in pictures...really frustrates me!!!! This year we planted alot of tomatoes, okra, a fav!!!, eggplant, onions, cukes, melons, a variety of peppers, artichokes we'll see how that goes???, basil, zucchini, parsley, grapes, cilantro, oregano, sage, lettuces, we got alot in a very tiny space. Plus we have lots of wildlife so we have to do alot of fencing. We got rid of the ground hog family last year but since the foxes moved on the rabbits are back.

And the next project I am working on for the Fall Fiber Fest our group is having are upcycled sweater Christmas ornaments. I have purchased from thrift stores etc. wool sweaters, washed them in hot water and dried on high to shrink them down. Cut out desired shapes, a front and back, stuff with a bit of fiberfill and embroider the 2 together with a running stitch, blanket?? embellish with buttons, beads, sequins, what have you and put a piece of yarn on for a hanger and you are ready for the holidays with package decor, ornaments, bazaar items, napkin rings, add elastic.
The list goes on ...great fun for all!
Have a wonderful summer!!!!