I feel just terrible I haven't posted anything thing since Mother's Day, I have been down under sewing up a storm or Stabbin Rags like Mad!!!! This has been a very busy spring and I love it!!! Oh yeah, I do my share of complaining but in a good way!!! I'm very happy to see so many new faces and working on a variety of garments, mostly bridesmaid and wedding dresses. The wedding industry is booming and no let up in sight!!!
Last Saturday our Sewing Guild took a road trip to Sun Prairie and Columbus!!! Our first stop was the Fabric Fairy in Sun Prairie, what a cool shop in an industrial area, with fabric and a sewing lounge. A sewing lounge is just that machines, sofas, magazines, all the stuff to hang out and create!!! This started out as an online fabric store with tons of cute children's knits and expanded from there best I can tell. Lots of bamboo fabrics, diaper fabric, notions, trims, elastics, items you don't find in the chain stores. A must go to visit and/or visit the website!!! Call ahead they have limited hours and you will need directions. Sorry I forgot my camera so no pics!!!!!
Then we headed for Columbus because one of our members has a darling shop there called the James West Gallery. She has a line of sewn items made from vintage fabrics, table clothes, linens , etc called the Red Thimble, she has a website with those names. Plus a ton of other really nice items, jewelry, hand bags, photos, art, mosaic items, candles, popcorn on and on!!!!! Columbus is a great town full of antique and fun shops. We of course had lunch and it was an old fashioned drive in called Mullins Short Stop, picnic tables, great burgers and frosty mugs of root beer or
pop, fries were great too!!! What a fun day, 8 of us started out and 6 ended up in Columbus.
And Sunday I finally got the garden planted. My husband worked like a dog getting it tilled and fixed up for me!! And I love that saying worked like a dog, I have three dogs and they've never done a lick of work, that's all wrong, they are the laziest bunch I've ever known!!!! So now with the hot weather and rain on the way we should have a great crop of veggies!!!
So that's all I know this week, got lots of ideas whirling around and no time to play!!!!