I keep threatening to start sewing, butttttt it has been hard, I love to sew but really I was burned out and needed a rest!!! I did do an order and will patch Brandon's jeans this week. I also cut out a jacket out of an old quilt I had. I actually have several old quilts and I decided I have had them hanging around for 30 plus years, they don't fit on any bed I own these days so I am going to make them into something useful!!! A jacket will be the first project. More on that later.
We have been running to Columbia for Dad's nose surgery, they got all the melanoma but the graft is questionable so back on Friday. The we have a friend coming for Christmas from Arkansas, the kids will be here Christmas Eve and then they are heading up North. I don't mind running to Columbia I got a membership for Sam's from my friend Lynne so I can replace my Costco runs, not as nice a Costco but it works well.
The best news this week, Dave got a job with a local slaughter house so he is back cutting meat. Like the old days, the custom orders still have all the stuff like liver and tongue and heart, interesting!!!! And all the custom are hanging beef, no boxes like the stores!!! Back to lifting hind quarters!!!! He was pretty excited and so are we!!!!!
Someone has to work!!!
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!!!!!!
Great pics Jackie!! You deserve a break! Got the curtains - they are wonderful!! Have a Merry Christmas with your family!! :) Julie