Once we got moved to Missouri I had many drawers to sort and in one desk was a baggie full of old postcards. Anyone who know us know Marjorie, my Mom, sends postcards to everyone from wherever they go!!!! And others have sent cards also, so I had lots of postcards from all over the world!!! They bring back memories of trips and family and friends, quite an array!!!

So I went to Lowes and found precut quarter inch plywood in 2'x4' pieces for total $17.00, brought them home painted them black. I purchased alot of glue sticks, they have very little glue, I used at least 16 of them and glued down the cards. The glue sticks were $3.00 for a package of 3 at Wal Mart. Back to Lowes for 2 precut 2'x4' pieces of plexiglass, $42.00. Then I bought 20 clear plastic mirror holders with plugs and installed on the wall, the holders were about $13.00. We had numerous discussions about putting screws thru the plexi etc and finally decided the mirror holders were the easiest. So, for about $85.00 we had our own personal Memory Postcard Posters!!! I suppose we could have saved some money and decoupaged them down or not covered them but they are next to the table where the food flys!!!

Well, this should have been a day or so project but I've been on it for weeks!!! Time flys here and I don't know exactly what we have done. I know last week we went to Warsaw,MO. and drove across the Truman Dam, it is the start of the Lake of the Ozarks and the end is Lake Ozark with Bagnell Dam. Warsaw is a darling town, small with cute shops, mainly antiques etc. but we found the Primitives Woolen Shop that had wool hooking, wool applique, quiltings, etc. a wonderful shop with beautiful products and tons of cute stuff, an upscale Crafty Lounge. Ladies come on Friday and spend the day doing their thing and have lunch. I plan to make that road trip one of these Fridays.
I'm busy on several other projects which will be coming soon. I have my first Naturally Dyed Scarf class tomorrow at a shop called Crafted Creations here in Osage Beach. And tomorrow is the Fiber Arts Guild meeting, so a big day in store!!!
Best to everyone!!!