Here's the latest and greatest in the Northwoods, mittens and fingerless gloves made from old wool sweaters!!!! Last Friday Carolyn and I went to Diggers, that's a place where you rifle thru big boxes looking for good crap by the pound!!!!! Wow, is that the place to hang out at, more stuff than you can imagine. We dug thru many boxes and found about a half dozen wool sweaters, as you might know these are very popular so not that easy to come by. The last couple of years several companies have formed making these little gems to sell. They retail anywhere from $30. to $80., all made from old wool sweaters that have been washed and felted, they are lined and really quite warm and toasty. Some folks are making them as a non profit others for profit, either way they are fun to do and pretty neat!!!

I took and old sweater I had, it was not all wool but did shrink up and looks good. I made the mittens after a set I had in the shop that had a hole in them, drafted a pattern and voila mittens!!! Then Carolyn made some of the newest fingerless gloves, as you may or maynot know these are the lastest rage for texting on your cell phone!!! Seeing as I wouldn't know the first thing about texting I thought they'd be great for shopping, getting keys out, driving, you know the more practical things old ladies do!!!???? So I cut off the sleeve about ten inches up, tapered it to fit my arm and serged the top, pressed it down and did a blanket stitch along the top. They are very simple and fun to wear!!!
Recycling at it's finest!!!! I just can't get enough of the recycling, upcycling, it's so much fun to see what you can do with discarded items!!!! Or just the stuff you have lurking in the back of your closets or drawers!!!!
Have a great February, Spring is coming!!!!!!
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