I have always been a fan of recycling, reusing and re purposing!!!! Recently I was introduced to Alabama Chanin, I had seen her clothing in Vogue some years ago but had forgotten about her. So after viewing her website I decided to try my version of her technique.

This is a velveteen jacket from Savers, $6.00 range. I took old jeans scraps and cut out leaf shapes free hand. I sewed them on the jacket with 6 strand black embroidery floss, leaving all the ends and knots showing. All this, of course goes on by hand, didn't take but 2 hours or so. On the lapel I am sewing on pearls for the leaf veins, not sure how many will get that treatment???? I am not sure what else I will do, I think leaving the sleeves with out leaves will be just fine and possibly I'll just do the pearls in the lapels and sleeve cuffs.

I really like this idea, I can see pillows, quilts, any clothing, tote bags or purses done with this idea. The Alabama Chanin uses stencils and paints and then sews on by hand the cut out painted stencil, very clever and fun. This is a neat concept and just wide open for any ideas. Check out her
website and see where you can go!!!!!
Happy Sewing and Crafting, 2011 is going to be a great year!!!!!
Beautiful jacket, Jackie. A work of art.