So what to do with all these zippers, some are antique and some are just worthless so the sort begins. I have no idea how many zips there were, but I got them all organized in zip lock bags and labeled and put in a bin. I had already sorted and organized all the pulls and stops for repairs so now I am in good shape. I did throw out a bunch and have no idea what I'll do with the rest. I have seen some really cute flowers made with the zips, another project!!!!
This is my first of many drawers and cupboards to go thru I would just like to have the whole mess organized once and for all!!! But for you that sew and craft we all know that is a pipedream!!!
Happy New Year to all!!!!!!

Good job organizing. What a nice way to start the New Year. I don't know anyone who can be organized all the time-- it's a work in progress. For inspiration, watch an episode of "The Hoarders" on cable TV. ST Vinnie's and Goodwill are your friends -- let go of excess and organize the rest. Relax and enjoy your stitching and know you will have to stop once in a while to reorganize.