Oh well the seasons got turned around a bit but that's a-ok with me!!! I love Spring and love Ssummer even better. So we do have our raised garden bed made and planted, so far we have squash, cilantro, parsley, basil, sage, lettuce, spinach, peppers, tomatoes, onions, radishes, rosemary and thyme. We will try mint in the wishing well, contain it!!!! Everything is moving right along and now with a few warmer and sunny days things will really get a move on!!!
Well, we've had a few things going on. Our friends were here on their way thru from a winter in Florida and we had a great time doing the tourist thing here at the lake, few meals out few meals in and alot of hangin out!!! Very fun, sure miss them!!!
Then the gals from the Fiber Guild group I recently joined thought the naturally dyed scarves would be fun so we had a very nice day making scarves in the Lazy Days garage. A few have done theirs up and they are looking great. They will sell some at their Fiber Festival April 28, here in town at the Methodist Church.
Tutorial Link scarves
Tutorial Link scarves
And here is Princess Devin, isn't she darling in her dress, Melissa's great uncle made for her when she was a baby!!! Beautiful with smocking and embroidery, in mint condition. She's a doll!!!
And then Mr Dakota has had some health issues, diabetes and now his back legs etc are going, so we got him his own Mobility Cart, dog wheelchair, and he's taken to it like he knows what it is all about, we've had a few roll overs but it goes great on the grass, sidewalk and gravel, it's the hills and banks that get in the way, I just roll him down hill and we're back in biz!!!! A great invention wish I gotten it sooner!!!
And here's a killer pork roast!!! When we were in Arkansas a few weeks ago to visit I picked up a couple of Petti Jean hams, they are wonderful made in Arkansas. When the butcher cut them in half for me I asked about the Boudain sausage, it's a cajun sausage made with rice, pork (guess that part can be ????, our package says pork liver), peppers, onions, seasonings etc. So he suggested stuffing a pork loin with the sausage, wrapping the roast in bacon and roasting etc. So of course Bob and Jo ran home and did it first so we knew it was a keeper and it is!!!!! The sausage is different, I used the last three scrambled with eggs and toast, very good. Ours had hot peppers in it, very good!!!! This sausage is not smoked so it has to be cooked. I have not seen it this far north but I'm still lookin'!!!!!
So that's the lastest and greatest here at the Lake!!!

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