
Friday, October 9

Finally the weekend!!!

It's been a busy week lot of sewing and alterations!!!!
I'm grateful for the business and grateful for such nice friends who help me rip. Jo and Carolyn, they are the BEST!!!!

Today I was sewing on buttons and thought these might be some good tips and hints.
When sewing on a button, always use 4 threads instead of 2, thus making your button stonger and less likely to come off.
Use beeswax to strengthen the thread, plus it  helps keep it  from tangling and knotting!!
Run the single thread thru the beeswax and then iron it and you have the smoothest, strongest thread around.
These are simple but helpful techniques.
I use beeswax all the time.  I purrchase it from local  fairs where they have honey for sale, very reasonable.

We're having a colder weekend so I'll be sewing away on my newly repaired machines!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So, you finally got the machine back.
    Now,,,,"Get Busy Stabbin'


Dog Days

Dog Days
When is Dinner? Hope we don't get Vegetables again.