
Friday, October 30

Halloween and Daylight Savings!!!!!

I'm sure glad the time is changing, dark mornings are not very motivating, rather sleep in!!!!!  I'm going to be a dink this weekend and hide in the back room and not pass out candy for the trick or treaters!!!  I decided Dave has to work late and I do not want to deal with the dogs and candy and kids so I am hiding!!!  I always loved Halloween when the kids were young , we had tons of fun but now,not so much!!!

What with the change of season the tailor shop has been buzzing, lots of new customers thanks to my friend Bob and his work on getting me on the web and the blog and website, sure has made a difference.  Thank you Bob!!!!  The telephone book is nearly passe, I don't ever hear anyone say I found you in the phone book??!!!  So in this new age of computers one has to go where the action is!!!

I've been on a button kick and have done up some cute cuffs or bracelets.  I used grossgrain and  ultrasuede, cut the band 1" x 8" or to fit your wrist plus the overlap.  I interfaced the pieces and sewed together flat, no turning inside out too bulky.  Then I sewed on a large snap or  set a snap which ever you prefer.  Now to sew on your buttons, old or new, one color, rhinestones, etc  These make fun gifts and stocking stuffers.  Have fun!!!

Another warm day, what a crazy fall for Wisconsin, once winter hits I'm sure it will be bad, which means very cold!!!  We've had a ton of rain so my doggies are not happy campers, they promise sun the aft so we will be walking!!!

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Dog Days

Dog Days
When is Dinner? Hope we don't get Vegetables again.